The basic concept is the same as in "Monopoly", ie making money, but the task is complicated by social factors such as privilege or racism. The game thus invites participants to discuss these questions, beyond the game itself.

Here is a board game that... talks about society: " Disparity Trap ", the "disparity trap", is presented by its creator as a "socially conscious" game , allowing to evoke the heavy questions of racism and privileges in a fun setting, with the usual pawns, dice, squares and cards.
"Disparity Trap" plays "the unfair game of life," says the presentation. The basic concept is the same as in Monopoly : making money. Except that depending on your identity, the task may be complicated by the obstacles you will encounter in order to study, buy a house or simply walk down the street without being stopped by the police. The game consists of putting yourself in someone else's shoes: you will either be "SD", systematically dominant, or "SND", systematically non-dominant. By being "SD", therefore dominating, you have the right to play first for example. The board is white and black, symbolically. The recommended minimum age is 14, just to be aware of the issues.
Racism and oppression are part of the game
Each card is accompanied by a QR code on which you can click to access regularly updated social statistics. One of the cards specifies that in the United States, for example, white employees are twice as likely to be promoted to a management position as their Asian colleagues. So, yes, the game invites participants to discuss these questions, beyond the game itself. Christian Telesmar, the creator of "Disparity Trap", explains that he wondered himself who would want to play a board game about systemic oppression when he came up with the idea in 2019. And then he tells that he was convinced by, he says, the two pandemics of recent years, Covid and racism. “Our country is in crisis”, he explains, and, according to him, the biggest obstacle to solving it is our inability to talk about the problems. He also thinks that his game can also be used in high school classes.
13,535 boxes ready to ship
If the game has not yet been released, its marketing is scheduled for the end of October normally. " Disparity Trap " is not distributed by one of the industry giants, it is an independent project. Christian Telesmar developed it thanks to a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, launched on April 14, 2021. Sold at $35 a box, some 13,535 boxes are almost ready to ship... but only in the United States: Christian Telesmar does not plan international shipping for the moment because too expensive in shipping costs. Especially since the only version available is the one with American statistics.
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