He situation is becoming "extremely difficult" in Severodonetsk for Ukraine , which fears that Moscow will commit there, from Monday or Tuesday, all its reserves to take this strategic city of Donbass, in the east of the country.

"The enemy wants to completely isolate Severodonetsk by preventing any passage of men or ammunition, said Sunday the Ukrainian governor of the Lugansk region, Serguiï Gaïdaï, fearing that Russia will send "all its reserves to take the city " within 48 hours. The situation there is "extremely difficult", he admitted.
So far, "we continue to hold our positions" in the north of the Lugansk region, assured Valeri Zalouzhny, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, while deploring that "every meter of land (...) there is covered in blood - but not only ours, but also that of the occupier". Militarily, Russia "uses large-scale artillery and, unfortunately, has a 10-to-1 advantage," said Valeri Zalouzhny.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his evening video message on Sunday called the latest fighting in Severodonetsk "very violent", saying that Moscow is deploying insufficiently trained troops and using them as "cannon fodder".
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The capture of this city would open up the road to another major city, Kramatorsk, in Moscow, a stage to conquer the entire Donbass basin, a mainly Russian-speaking region partly held by pro-Russian separatists since 2014.
On the diplomatic level, after promising Kiev the day before a response "by the end of next week" to Ukraine's request to start a process of joining the European Union, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen , acknowledged on Sunday that "the challenge (would be) to come out of the European Council (scheduled for June 23 and 24) with a united position that reflects the enormity of these historic decisions".
Tensions at the WTO
For their part, the Member States of the World Trade Organization (WTO) met on Sunday in Geneva with the particular objective of helping to find a solution to the risk of a serious food crisis that the invasion by Russia from Ukraine, whose fertile lands traditionally feed hundreds of millions of people on the planet.
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Tensions surfaced in a closed-door meeting where delegates took the floor to condemn Russian aggression. The Ukrainian delegate, who also spoke, was greeted with a standing ovation, according to WTO spokesman Dan Pruzin.
Then, just before Russian Economic Development Minister Maxim Rechetnikov took the floor, around 30 delegates "left the room," Pruzin said.
The sanctions imposed on Moscow did not prevent Russia from reaping 93 billion euros in revenue from the export of fossil fuels during the first 100 days of war, the majority of which went to the EU, according to the report of an independent research center published on Monday.
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